To comply with data regulations, you must make sure that your contacts are regularly renamed and updated so that you can be sure you hold the correct information. This is why we have made it even easier to edit contacts within our portal. If you need to make changes to a contact, you must first access the portal via the login button on

To begin editing contacts, please select ‘Contacts’ from the main navigation menu.

This will open the contact manager page within your portal. You can use the smart search bar to search for contacts by first name, last name, company name, telephone number or email address.

  1. Select edit contact (pencil icon)

    This will then open a details screen.

  2. Edit first name
  3. Edit last name
  4. Edit company
  5. Edit email
  6. Edit profile photo
  7. Edit telephone number
  8. Add additional telephone numbers
  9. Set the preferred telephone number for conference calls
  10. Click to save changes and save your edits
  11. To delete a contact: sometimes for reasons such as data compliance you may need to delete a contact entirely. 

If you have any further questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team who are very happy to help.

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