There are many reasons why you might want a transcription of your conference call. From data compliance to sharing important meeting notes quickly. An automated transcript can heavily reduce the administrative burden of your meeting. Here’s how to use our cutting-edge transcription and translation tool to transcribe hours of complex audio in a matter of minutes. To do this, access the portal via the login button on

You will be taken to the following page, where you can login with your account details.

Simply select ‘Recordings’ from the main navigation menu:

Once you have clicked ‘Recordings’, you will be presented with a list of your recorded conference calls in chronological order. Here you can search for the call that you require.

1. Use the orange button to view the recording ‘Details’:

This will then open a new screen.

2. To request a transcription, select the orange button ‘request machine transcription’

3. It will only take a short time for your transcription to be processed and you will receive an email once the transcription is ready for you to review

The transcription tool will present your transcription as a multi-channel conversation between different voices.

4. If you want to download your transcription, select download

You can also use the keyword spotter tool (Search) to revisit and replay important parts of your conversation and search the audio for key words and phrases.

If you have any further questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team who are very happy to help.