Here at Speakserve, we’re in the business of making your conference calls even easier to join, that’s why we think you’ll love our dial out feature. Dial-out is a great way to increase efficiencies and make sure that all your attendees join your next conference without delay. To get started with dial-out, access the portal via the login button on

You will be taken to the following page, where you can login with your account details.

Option 1:  You can choose to automatically dial out to your participants when scheduling a call. NOTE: this option requires your contacts to be added to the system.

Option 2:  Alternatively, you can use LiveView. When your call is about to start, simply click on the orange ‘phone icon’ to launch the LiveView screen.

1. Once LiveView is opened, as the organiser of the call, you can search for contacts, users and groups or enter a number you wish to dial out to immediately

2. Click the orange ‘dial’ button

When your participant picks up the phone, they will immediately be connected to the call without having to enter a PIN or conference room numbers. It’s as simple as pressing hash and they can join instantly.

3. Start conferencing!

If you have any further questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team who are very happy to help.